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.bash_profile for MacBook 맥북 설치 후 .bash_profile 설정하기vi ~/.bash_profile export M2_HOME=/Users/minho/dev/mavenexport M2=$M2_HOME/binexport PATH=$M2:/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH alias ls="ls -v" alias ll="ls -alv" source ~/.bash.profile 2015. 5. 4.
mac pip easy_install 설치 아래 명령을 순서대로 실행curl -O http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.pysudo python distribute_setup.pysudo rm distribute_setup.pysudo easy_install pip 2015. 4. 14.
Java 버젼별 비교 정리 1. Java 버젼별 히스토리http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_version_history- Java5 (2004~2009)- Java6 (2006~2013)- Java7 (2011~ )- Java8 (2014~ )- Java9 (2016예정)- Java10 (2018예정) 2. Java 버젼별 주요 기능2.1 Java5 (Tiger)- Generics- Enhanced for Loop (foreach)- Autoboxing/Unboxing- Type-safe Enums- Varargs- Static Import- Annotions (Metadata)- Formatted IO- Concurrent API (java.util.concurrent)- Thread Priority C.. 2015. 3. 30.
45 useful javascript tips 1 – Don’t forget var keyword when assigning a variable’s value for the first time.Assignment to an undeclared variable automatically results in a global variable being created. Avoid global variables.2 – use === instead of ==The == (or !=) operator performs an automatic type conversion if needed. The === (or !==) operator will not perform any conversion. It compares the value and the type, which.. 2015. 3. 30.
HTML5 기본 Layout Template index.html header nav contents Rev Factory style.css html,body { padding: 0; margin: 0; text-align: center; height: 100%; } body { font-size: 12px; font-family: "돋음",dotum,sans-serif; color: #333; } #Head { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 50px; overflow: hidden; z-index: 10; background-color: #eee; } #bodyWrap { width: 100%; min-height: 100%; margin: -50px auto -30px; background-color: .. 2015. 3. 18.
Deep Learning Study 참고 Python, C/C++, Java, Scala, Go 로 구현한 Deep Learning 코드https://github.com/yusugomori/DeepLearning http://deeplearning.net/tutorial 번역된 블로그 0. 딥러닝 시작하기 : http://neuralix.blogspot.kr/2014/02/0.html 1. 로지스틱 회귀 : http://neuralix.blogspot.kr/2014/01/blog-post_626.html 2. 다층신경망(MLP) : http://neuralix.blogspot.kr/…/mlp-multi-layer-perceptron.ht… 3. 제한된 볼츠만 기계(RBM) : http://neuralix.blogspot.kr/2014/02/dr.. 2015. 3. 15.